Maximizing Efficiency with Cin7 Core and this new free feature: Introducing the ‘Awaiting Approval’ Status Filter!

Unleashing Efficiency with Cin7 Core, The Digital Successor to Dear Systems

Welcome back, enthusiasts of process efficiency and streamlining! Let us dive into the digital ocean of Cin7 Core, the modern evolution of DEAR Systems, and explore a game-changing feature fresh off the development lines. With a striking balance between simplicity and complexity, Cin7 Core is set to redefine business efficiency with its suite of tools. And, the icing on the cake is our focus today – the ‘Awaiting Approval’ status filter.




cin7 core software4business new filtering feature
Cin7 Core awaiting approval


Introducing the ‘Awaiting Approval’ Status Filter – A Revolutionary Feature in Cin7 Core

In this era of relentless innovation, Cin7 Core unveils the ‘Awaiting Approval’ status filter. This newly launched feature is engineered to drastically alter how you oversee your sales and purchases. A feature that was once solely accessible when Core to Core Networking was enabled, is now ready for action irrespective of the status of order or quote approval.

Breathing Life into Sales and Purchase Modules with the ‘Awaiting Approval’ Status Filter

A Paradigm Shift in Sales and Purchase Management

Visualize the convenience of efficiently segregating your sales and purchases based on their ‘Awaiting Approval’ status.
This innovative update isn’t just a feature change; it’s a paradigm shift that guarantees a fluid and hiccup-free workflow, proving to be a boon for all Cin7 users!


image2 awaiting approval
Focussed look at the feature


Simplifying Cin7 Login and Quote Approval with Intuitive Design

Rolling Out the Red Carpet for the ‘Awaiting Approval’ Status Filter

Before you leap to harness the power of this novel feature, some prerequisites require your attention. Start by logging into your Cin7 account. Once inside, enable quote approval by navigating to ‘Settings’, selecting ‘General settings’, then proceeding to ‘Sale process customisation’ or ‘Purchase process customisation’.

image2 awaiting approval step by step
cin7 core-awaiting-approval-step-by-step
Configuring User Access Rights in Cin7 Core

For the ‘Awaiting Approval’ filter to function, it is imperative to set user access rights accordingly. Essentially, the approval setting must be disabled. If this sounds complex, don’t worry! Cin7 Help, available through Cin7 Academy, can guide you through this process, ensuring a smooth transition.

Unleashing the Full Potential of Cin7 API

Harnessing the Power of the ‘Awaiting Approval’ Status Filter

The functionality of this feature is simple yet robust. The ‘Awaiting Approval’ status can be selected from the status filter dropdown menu when examining your sales or purchase list. This addition significantly simplifies the tracking of your orders awaiting approval, thus enhancing your control over the sales and purchase processes.


image4 awaiting approval all filters
Where the filter will be displayed exactly


The Cin7 Omni Experience – An Example Workflow

Utilizing ‘Awaiting Approval’ Status Filter in Real-time

To illustrate the practical application of this feature, consider this workflow scenario: When logged in with a limited user account, the creation of a Quote enables its Authorisation. However, an additional layer of approval is still required. This sales order or quote now becomes visible in the list of items requiring approval, making it easy for managers to swiftly locate and approve or reject orders.

Approve or Reject with Ease Using Cin7 Core

Cin7 Core’s comprehensive design also allows you to approve or reject an order using the mass action menu when listing orders. The API ensures that these processes run seamlessly, adding to the charm of this versatile feature.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Business with Cin7 Core

From Dear Cin7 to Cin7 Core: A Journey Towards Process Excellence

Our journey from Dear Systems to Cin7 Core is laden with innovations like the ‘Awaiting Approval’ status filter, tailored to smoothen your workflow. As we walk into the future together, we’re excited for the limitless possibilities Cin7 Core opens up for your business. Remember, the key to success lies in innovation and productivity.

Software4Business – Your Companion in the Digital Journey

For any assistance in your journey towards process efficiency, don’t hesitate to reach out to Software4Business. And, until our next update, continue to innovate and strive for efficiency.

For similar post related to Odoo, please go to our new Odoo site Prodoo

HubSpot CRM and Cin7 Core: How to Easily Connect HubSpot with Dear Systems

Integrate Dear Systems aka Cin7 Core with HubSpot CRM

It is common for us to be asked this question: “Does Cin7 Core work with HubSpot?”  

Yes, Cin7 Core (aka Dear Systems) integrates with HubSpot.

How to Connect Dear Systems to HubSpot CRM

Are you tired of manually transferring data between your Dear Systems and HubSpot CRM? You’re in luck, because in just a few simple steps you can easily connect the two systems and streamline your data flow. Let’s get started!

What is HubSpot CRM?

HubSpot CRM is a best-in-class customer relationship management tool that can help your business with marketing, sales, and service delivery, enabling your business to grow without compromise.

Connecting Dear Systems to HubSpot CRM

To begin the integration, log in to your Dear Systems account and go to the Integrations tab. Search for HubSpot CRM and click on Connect. Make sure to have your HubSpot account open and select the correct account if you have more than one.

Enable Synchronization

Once you have clicked on Connect, you will be prompted to enable synchronization. This will allow you to update sales, products, and customers between the two systems. You can specify the direction of the updates, whether you want to import from or export to HubSpot. You can also choose to force updates on HubSpot entities. However, it is recommended to disable the force DEAR entity update setting to prevent errors.

Custom Field Linking

Dear Systems and HubSpot CRM custom fields can be linked to streamline your data flow. This integration can be easily managed within the Dear Systems integration tab.

Error Management

If any errors occur, don’t worry. Simply go to the log tab where you can download an Excel file and investigate potential issues.

Marketing Campaigns

With this integration, your marketing team can create targeted campaigns in HubSpot CRM based on customer data from Dear Systems. This will help improve lead generation and customer engagement.

Connect Today!

Now that you know how to connect Dear Systems to HubSpot CRM, what are you waiting for? Take your business to the next level with this streamlined integration.


If you run into any issues with the integration or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team here at Software4Business.

At Software4Business, we’re here to help you get the most out of your systems and optimize your business processes.

Subscribe to our Youtube channel for more tips and tutorials or sign up for our newsletter today or simple just contact Software4Business support.

Get Real Help with one of our Expert Consultants

Software4Business is a consulting firm specializing in Cin7 and Cloud CRM, two of the most powerful and flexible business management systems available.
With extensive experience and expertise in both systems, the team at Software4Business can help businesses of all sizes streamline their operations and improve your bottom line.

Whether you are looking to implement a new business management system, integrate with other platforms, or simply need assistance with a specific feature, Software4Business has the expertise to help you succeed.
Their team of experienced consultants can help you navigate the complex world of inventory management and provide tailored solutions that meet your specific needs.

If you are interested in learning more about how Cin7 Omni or Core and HubSpot CRM can help you grow your business, or if you need assistance with implementation or integration, don’t hesitate to reach out to Software4Business. With our 20+ years of experience and commitment to customer success, we are the perfect partner to help you take your business to the next level.

So if you’re looking for a reliable, experienced consulting firm to help you get the most out of your investment in Cin7 Omni or Core, look no further than Software4Business.

Contact us today to learn more about how they can help you achieve your goals.


Related questions:

Does Cin7 Core work with Shopify?

How do I connect my Cin7 Core to Shopify?

How do I map a product on Cin7 Core Shopify?

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How to Easily Connect Shopify with Cin7 Core / Dear Systems

Cin7 Core and Cin7 Omni Connects to Shopify

It is common for us to be asked this question: “Does Cin7 work with Shopify?”  

Yes, Cin7 Core (aka Dear Systems), Cin7 Omni, and Cin7 Orderhive work with Shopify.

Cin7 is an all-in-one inventory management platform that integrates with Shopify to provide a seamless and streamlined experience for online retailers.

Cin7 Core is the backbone of the Cin7 products, providing a centralized platform to manage inventory, purchase orders, sales, and shipping across multiple channels. Cin7 is simply, really good.

Cin7 Omni expands on the core functionality by adding support for omnichannel sales, allowing retailers to manage sales across multiple sales channels from one central platform.

Cin7 Orderhive, on the other hand, is a standalone app that integrates with Shopify to manage order fulfillment. With Cin7 Orderhive, retailers can automate order processing, manage inventory levels, and monitor shipping information in real-time. This integration allows retailers to manage their entire order process from a single platform, reducing manual work and minimizing errors.

Key Benefits for connecting with Shopify are:

One of the key benefits of integrating Cin7 with Shopify is the ability to keep inventory levels up-to-date across all sales channels in real-time. This helps to ensure that retailers never oversell products, and can reduce the risk of stockouts. Additionally, the integration allows you as a retailers to automate order processing, saving time and reducing manual work.

Another benefit of Cin7 is its robust reporting and analytics capabilities. Retailers can use the platform to gain insights into sales trends, inventory levels, and shipping information, helping you to make informed business decisions. With Cin7, retailers can also create custom reports, allowing you to track the metrics that matter most to your business.

In conclusion, all these products are powerful business software that can help online retailers using e-commerce platforms to streamline your operations and grow your business. With its integration with Shopify, Cin7 provides a seamless and centralized platform to manage inventory, sales, and shipping, saving time, reducing manual work, and minimizing errors. And that is worth a lot in todays online business environment.

How to Connect with Shopify

Connecting the two systems can either be done through Dear or Shopify. The settings configuration is done in DEAR.

Following this easy step-by-step guide below to help you set up this integration:

  1. Set up your Account: Create an account on Dear Systems, please click here to get a month free trial, if you do not have an Account Setup already. 

  2. Shopify login: Log in to your online store account and go to the app store. Search for the “Dear Inventory” app and install it.
    In the future (after June 2023 -Search for Cin7 Core if Dear Inventory is not showing anything anymore)

    Shopify App Store Link to Cin7

  3. Install the Cin7 Core (Or Dear Inventory) app in Shopify

  4. After installation, you will be directed to the Cin7 Integrations Shopify dashboard. From there, you will need to configure the new connection.

    Dear Shopify Integration General settings in DEAR

  5. Shopify settings Cin7. Change as follow:

    1. General Setup
      1. Customer

      2. Price Tiers

      3. Pick, Pack and Ship modes etc

    2. Account and Cash
      1. Invoice status

      2. Poduct Listing

      3. Stock level update status

      4. Sales Rep

      5. Discounts etc.

    3. Tax Rules

    4. Locations

    5. Payment methods 

  6. Once your setup is done, sync the items from Dear to Shopify or from Shopify into Dear.

  7. To download products from Shopify into DEAR simply click the “Catalog” button and click on the “Download” button.

  8. Alternatively, to download products from Dear to Shopify (our recommended method) click on Bulk listing

    Dear Shopify Integration settings in DEAR
    1. Here you can use filters to list items. Be careful because whatever is listed in the grid can or will upload with the List Button.
    2. Products can also be uploaded individually via the Products -> Specific Product -> Channels option (this is much slower as you only work with 1 item at a time)
    3. The best way to upload products from Dear to Shopify is in the bulk listing screen as we just mentioned.
      1. The bulk listing feature will also let you know if the products meet the minimum required standards for it to be listed in Shopify.

  9. Once products have been created, synced and listed, you can start importing new orders from Shopify into Cin7 Core.
  10. To import products, go to “Pending Order” in the Shopify Dear Integration interface and click on > “Load orders”. New orders will now be listed in the pending order grid.
  11. To process the orders into your sales process flow, click on the Process button. 
  12. To see import orders, you can view them in the go to “Sales” > “Search sales”. The new sales will be the latest orders added.
  13. To keep your product and order information up-to-date, the order import process is automated. No manual intervention is required.
  14. If you want to integrate your shipping, we suggest you set up shipping rates in Shopify. Go to “Settings” > “Shipping and delivery” in the Shopify Admin to set up your shipping rates.
  15. Finally, to take advantage of the full range of features offered by the Cin7 products, you may want to set up custom integrations with other platforms and services. For more information on custom integrations, consult the Cin7 Core documentation or contact Software4Business support.

Get Real Help with one of our Expert Consultants

Software4Business is a consulting firm specializing in Cin7 Omni and Core, two of the most powerful and flexible inventory management system available. With extensive experience and expertise in both systems, the team at Software4Business can help businesses of all sizes streamline their operations and improve your bottom line.

Whether you are looking to implement a new inventory management system, integrate with other platforms, or simply need assistance with a specific feature, Software4Business has the expertise to help you succeed. Their team of experienced consultants can help you navigate the complex world of inventory management and provide tailored solutions that meet your specific needs.

If you are interested in learning more about how Cin7 Omni and Core can help you grow your business, or if you need assistance with implementation or integration, don’t hesitate to reach out to Software4Business. With our years of experience and commitment to customer success, we are the perfect partner to help you take your business to the next level.

So if you’re looking for a reliable, experienced consulting firm to help you get the most out of your investment in Cin7 Omni or Core, look no further than Software4Business.

Contact us today to learn more about how they can help you achieve your goals.


Related questions:

Does Cin7 work with Shopify?

How do I connect my Cin7 to Shopify?

How do I map a product on Cin7 Shopify?

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Dear Delivery App

DEAR Delivery Add-on application

Proof of delivery application for Dear Systems

How it works

It is extremely frustrating for delivery drivers to collect signatures on paper from customers.
What’s the point of signing on paper when you can sign on glass?
Moreover, paper must be kept for the next five years, and retrieving it when needed is another nightmare.

Our application helps solve that problem.
We created an application that lets drivers (or people who pick up) collect signatures as proof of delivery.
It is possible to capture a signature or a photo with the application.
You can take a photo of the goods delivered, or you can take a photo of the signed delivery document.


A barcode on your delivery document can be scanned with a scanning device, making the application even easier to use.
Although the application does not require barcodes or barcode scanners, it does speed up processing and reduce errors.

Set up pricing

    • We connect your DEAR system with your NEW dedicated delivery platform
    • Custom image / logo
    • Minor changes to the Delivery App interface can be made for free
    • You will need a DEAR API subscription for us to connect to your DEAR

$399 excl GST


Purchase Device (*optional)

We have three different devices to choose from. Devices are optional but recommended.

Photo (Click to enlarge)
Entry level Barcode Scanner Clip on scanner that connects to your phone and scans via BlueTooth

$249 excl GST

2022 11 09 10.42.342022 11 09 10.43.10
Mid level 1D Barcode Scanner Dedicated Scanner device with Sim Card slot that scans 1D Barcodes.
Rubber Jacket optional *

$499 excl GST

20221109 104541

20221109 104518 20221109 104424

Ent Level 2D Barcode Scanner Dedicated Scanner device with Sim Card slot that scans 2D Barcodes (Honeywell standard) Rubber Jacket optional *

$849 excl GST

20221109 10454120221109 10442420221109 104518

Rubber Jacket Extras Additional rubber protection jacket

$69 excl GST

2022 11 09 10.46.54

2022 11 09 10.46.39

2022 11 09 10.46.03



    • Sign on glass
    • or take a photo
    • No Disputes / ever
    • Info is saved back to DEAR
    • Saving you 2 minutes per document
    • Which is time and money you can use elsewhere
    • It also sends a thank you email to your client, or if you want
    • we can also send the proof of delivery document to your customer
    • And if any part of an order is not correctly delivered, our app can also email a manager to follow up
    • and more…
Photo (Click to enlarge)
Entry level Barcode Scanner Clip on scanner that connects to your phone and scans via BlueTooth

$249 excl GST

2022 11 09 10.42.342022 11 09 10.43.10
Mid level 1D Barcode Scanner Dedicated Scanner device with Sim Card slot that scans 1D Barcodes.
Rubber Jacket optional *

$499 excl GST

20221109 104541

20221109 104518 20221109 104424

Ent Level 2D Barcode Scanner Dedicated Scanner device with Sim Card slot that scans 2D Barcodes (Honeywell standard) Rubber Jacket optional *

$849 excl GST

20221109 10454120221109 10442420221109 104518

Rubber Jacket Extras Additional rubber protection jacket

$69 excl GST

2022 11 09 10.46.54

2022 11 09 10.46.39

2022 11 09 10.46.03


Subscription pricing per month

Transactions per month Price per signature Minimum spent p/m
1 to 200 $0.20

$39 excl GST

201 to 400 $0.18


401 to 600 $0.17


601 to 1000 $0.16


1001 to 1500 $0.14


1501 to 2000 $0.12


more… contact me    


Savings per month

    • Your cost break even point is 24 deliveries
    • If you need more than 25 proof of deliveries filed away per month, this application will pay for itself.
    • Our app also has built in logic to email a manager if the customer is not satisfied, or the delivery was not made in full.
    • Additional fields we can built in is CASH PAYMENT COLLECTION and THANK YOU emails to your client.
Transactions per month Price p/m Manual time (avg) per delivery for signatures, paper work & filing.
OUR APP Takes 10 seconds.
Paper based Proof of Delivery
for Driver and Admin @
$30 per hour. Per transaction | total
Time / money saved
25 Transactions


— as below — — as below —  
1 to 200

$39 excl GST

200 seconds $1.67 | $ 333 $ 293 saved (333-40)
201 to 400


180 seconds $1.50 | $ 600 $ 528
401 to 600


160 seconds $1.33 | $ 800 $ 698
601 to 1000


140 seconds $1.17 | $ 1167 $ 1007
1001 to 1500


120 seconds $1.00 | $ 1500 $ 1290
1501 to 2000


100 seconds $0.83 | $ 1667 $ 1426
more… contact me        


Video Demonstration

Dear Inventory – #1 must-have Xero inventory management Add-in


What type of software is Xero?

Looking to find answers about Xero Inventory management?
When it comes to accounting, Xero is exceptional online accounting software. In fact, the Xero mantra is synonymous with Xero and beautiful business. Of course, Xero is extremely powerful in terms of features and logic for calculating the GST, cost of goods sold, tracking categories, purchase order control, sales, and invoices, not to mention the excellent features for bank reconciliation and its many integration options.

xero inventory management

Primarily Accounting Software

But it must be kept in mind that Xero is primarily an accounting software that integrates with other software via API. This allows development teams and organisations around the world to focus on their niche and do it properly without trying to solve all the problems in one solution. Have you ever heard of SAP, or Oracle? Those giants are slow to move and labour intensive to feed every day, but yes they can do quite a lot and can deal with large organisations with complex and/or unique requirements.

Inventory in Xero?

Small business owners far and wide, potentially even you, are or will be trying to use Xero inventory to run your business. Our customers typically contact us to find out how they can use Xero for accounting and inventory tracking purposes, and then once they made a little progress they run into a few roadblocks like e-commerce integration, payment reconciliation, unique pricing, stock code and description management, customer-specific pricing and stock take issues to name but a few.

Growing industry

More and more retailers, wholesaler and distribution companies, especially as they grow, get to grips as to how important stock control and real time tracking is, but often fails to understand where, if at all, their Xero account is capable of handling their various inventory management requirements.

Managers know what they want.

Now, we acknowledge that Xero inventory management is a thing, but it has limited capabilities, especially when comparing Xero inventory management with the likes of Dear Inventory, for example. Xero inventory management, unfortunately, lacks all the OOMPH and more tricky but necessary components business managers want.

Consider stock takes and inventory adjustments for example, or purchase orders with batch numbers or expiry dates. What about multi-location and tracking serial numbers. Not to even mention barcode scanning stock in and out or selling those items via eBay, Amazon or Shopify and let it automatically link to Courier companies when it needs to be delivered. So in short, if you ever even thought about using barcode scanners in your business, then Xero must make room for a specialised add-on module. Oh, and don’t even think about running a warehouse full of stock with just Xero. No.

Not doing stock control is dangerous.

Stock Control is a specialised task, and it should not be limited to rights reserved Xero and beautiful excel files. That is just plain dangerous as many Excel versions will be floating around and it will end up being 20 times more labour intensive than a proper solution, guaranteed. In the realm of specialized cloud-based systems, Xero is an amazing accounting software program, but there is a reason it promotes its accounting functionality. You need something better to manage your stock, and online sales.

Beautiful Dear Inventory

Dear Inventory however and beautiful business are trademarks, not just for Xero anymore, but for almost everyone who uses Dear. People swear by the amazing integration capabilities of Dear Inventory and Xero (or Quickbooks) and how their new business software (aka Dear Inventory) and the way they do business is not limiting anymore. Rather Dear Inventory allows and promotes small businesses to grow exponentially in sales and revenue into large corporations and even then, can still cater for complex scenarios. We have clients with annual revenue of over 100 million dollars running on Dear Inventory.

Why you should not really bother with inventory in Xero?

So even though Xero is great for real time accounting software with simple steps to generate invoices, for example, it really offers little when it comes to inventory management. Software4Business recommend that you start using Dear Systems as your business operating software as it fully integrates back into Xero anyway. This will give you the best of both worlds. Best in accounting and best in stock control. Give us a call, we work with Dear Inventory all day, every day and have converted and implemented Dear projects for many businesses in Australia.

SSALES 10.S4B XeroHero Dear Systems Inventory Manage customers smoothly 1
Manage Customers

More links

11 Little Known Dear Inventory Features you would love

Dear Systems: Amazing Business Software

Dear Systems Xero – Easy Integration

Dear Systems Training: Easily integrate Shopify or WooCommerce with Dear Systems

Shopify WooCommerce Banner Dear Systems Training

Dear Systems Training #1

Shopify WooCommerce Banner Dear Systems Training

How to setup product feeds between Shopify or WooCommerce and Dear Systems

  1. Setting to update Category / Brand <-> Dear / WooCommerce
  2. Setting to change QTY globally or individually
  3. Never change too much in WooCommerce (Dear will handle that)
  4. Descriptions can be pulled from WooCommerce and update Dear
  5. Leave the pretty interface changes and images for the web-developer
  6. Dear’s Product Descriptions and SKUs can be changed but needs to be manually synced to WooCommerce.
    1. Via the item self
    2. Via the integration interface
    3. Qty and Price changes happens automatically
    4. Push Qty and Price changes to WooCommerce

The benefits of integrating Dear Systems with WooCommerce and/or Shopify

  1. Stock levels are automatically updated from DEAR systems to WooCommerce and/or Shopify
  2. DEAR inventory then allows online orders to be Picked, Packed, Shipped and Fulfilled
  3. Order information can be synced with your shipment applications to create manifest
  4. Dear inventory then sync inventory costs and movements to Xero or Quickbooks
  5. This means one integrated/centralised inventory management to manage all channels of sales
A list of the types of data that are exchanged between Dear Systems and Shopify and/or WooCommerce
  1. Downwards -> Orders and additional charges
  2. Both ways of making payments (setting)
  3. Both ways of new products (setting)
  4. Upwards -> DEAR to WooCommerce/Shopify stock quantities
  5. Downwards -> Customers
An example of what happens when you integrate
  1. The existing products can be downloaded from WooCommerce or Shopify, or listed/uploaded from DEAR
  2. Each sale from WooCommerce/Shopify will first go into Pending Sales, where stocks will be allocated
  3. Consolidation of online sales for the day can be enabled (settings)
  4. Changes to stock levels are pushed from DEAR SYSTEMS back to WooCommerce / Shopify
It is important to take note of what does not integrate
  1. Stock quantities are not imported automatically from WooCommerce to DEAR and need to be set in DEAR.
  2. It is recommended to ensure the quantities are the same on both platforms before you start.
Other useful links to CIN7 and DEAR systems training you might like:

Dear Systems Academy

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What is Dear Systems and other critical info?

Dear Systems Logo

What is Dear Systems you might say? Well, we are glad you asked. Most small businesses struggle with inventory management. It’s a time-consuming task and one that is often left to the last minute. This makes it difficult to optimize stock levels. DEAR Systems however automates the most time-consuming aspects of inventory management so you can focus on growing your business instead of just managing it.

In addition, Dear Systems has powerful reporting features that allow you to analyze sales trends and make better decisions about what products sell best at what times.

Dear System’s easy-to-use interface gives you instant visibility into stock levels and order status for up-to-the-minute knowledge of your inventory positions across all locations in real-time. Dear also provides automated processes that save you time while keeping your stock right where it needs to be – reducing costly mistakes like overstocking or understocking items based on past history by using predictive analytics from machine learning algorithms combined with human intelligence. What else?

1. Dear Systems is an inventory management system that provides instant visibility into stock levels 

Inventory management systems can be a necessary evil. They’re typically expensive, cumbersome to set up and require extensive training on how to use them. But NOT Dear Systems. Dear was designed to simplify business by making inventory management easy for everyone in the supply chain, including manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers. 

Dear Systems is an inventory management system that provides instant visibility to your customer’s orders, stock on hand and supplier’s purchase orders coming in. With Dear systems, you will be able to track sales, analyze previous orders and manufacture from raw material to finished goods. All from within one cloud-based platform! 

Wouldn’t it be great if you were able to see which products sell well, and which ones don’t? Wouldn’t it be better yet if your customers could buy online, at their price point without having to wait for them to come into the store, or emailing an order through? With Dear Systems this becomes a reality. 

Stock replenishment is also easy. To get a better idea of the future, Dear allows you to look back at your history. This means tracking inventory and ordering patterns. What Dear Systems will allow you to do, is free yourself from pen and paper or clunky spreadsheets that don’t work with your workflow anyway, and optimize stock levels resulting in more free cash flow! 

3. With the ability to create unlimited barcodes, you can track items from purchases through to sales 

As a small business owner, you understand the importance of keeping track of your inventory. It’s not just about one more tool to help you succeed. Your ability to keep track of inventory is essential when it comes time to analyze sales trends, promotions and purchasing. These tools are critical in helping you assess where your money is going each month – which can be very useful for planning future purchases and sales, especially if you’re getting close to being out of stock on a particular item. 

To facilitate optimization, Dear Systems creates barcodes that you can easily print out when stock arrives, and use them throughout the life cycle of your product, from warehouse receipting to retail outlet sales. The system works with all kinds of inventory types, such as physical, service, gift cards, bill-of-material and non-inventory items. 

Barcode scanning and inventory management systems have been around for decades. They were originally designed to make tracking products easier on a large scale, but they’re also incredibly useful in smaller businesses where an employee is responsible for purchasing, picking, stock takes, and selling items directly to customers. Dear Systems will help almost everyone in the organization to use the barcode function and increase efficiency.  

4. You’ll never have to worry about running out of product again 

We can all relate to the annoying feeling when we run out of products to sell! But with Dear Systems, that will never happen. Dear allows you to stock up on products automatically based on the “Minimum Before Reorder” and “Reorder Quantity” fields.  

The issue of running out of stock to sell is a serious problem that could easily be solved. Dear Systems is amazing in optimizing purchase order fulfilment. This allows you to optimize ordering and save money on the items that are most needed at any given time. By using Dear, you will be able to make sure that your inventory is always stocked when the orders come in. 

5. There are way more things to list, too many for this quick article.

  • Simplify inventory management by managing all aspects of the process in one place
  • Automate time consuming tasks and save your team valuable hours
  • Keep track of every aspect of your business with comprehensive reports
  • Eliminate redundancies, increase efficiency, and have fewer errors