There’s nothing like starting out a new year with some exciting new features to share with you!

Software4Business (and our sister company Xero Hero) is excited to focus more on Cin7 in 2021. We are committed to making your business software journey more efficient and easier to use.

Throughout the year, Cin7 will be adding great new features that help expand overall functionality.

In February 2021, for example Cin7 will bring the following three exciting updates:

  1. A refreshed user interface that improves overall usability with a more modern and consistent look and feels.
  2. Two automation bots (Dropship and Purchase to Order) to help automate existing manual processes.
  3. The initial release of the EDI/3PL Portal to help customers work on and monitor their in-progress EDI/3PL connections

Refreshed User Interface

I’ll be the first to admit that this has been a long time coming. While Cin7 functionality has continued to evolve, the look and feel of the product has not. It’s a patchwork of colors and fonts that causes frustrations at multiple levels for users, new and existing. The time is now for a change.  

The updated user interface brings consistency to a number of different visual aspects used throughout the product. It introduces a more modern and inviting colour and font scheme that makes using the application a more enjoyable experience. It includes better placement and understanding of key “action” buttons, and takes into account accessibility standards for colour/contrast combinations, making it easier for visually-impaired users to leverage the product. And even more exciting: No need to worry about having to re-learn the product, as it’s the same product with essentially a new coat of paint.

What does it look like? Here’s a sneak peek at the Home Page Dashboard with an expanded left navigation panel:

3 copy home page dashboard.png?width=500&height=430.2232854864434&v=0.0

Of course, I’m sure what’s catching your attention is the new color scheme seen in the left navigation and top menu (Midnight blue, for the curious). It’s fresh, it’s clean. Most importantly,  it makes using the product for longer periods of time more enjoyable.  

But wait, there’s more! What about detail screens within the modules, you ask? Here’s a look at the enhanced CRM list page:

new crm page
copy 2 crm.png?width=500&height=357.31414868105514&v=0.0

Gone is the orange text. Gone is the uncertainty of not knowing what buttons are the primary “action” buttons. (Hard to miss the “Create New Supplier” and “Create New Customer” action buttons, right?) Gone is the multiple fonts used within the same page. In its place is a simplified, consistent, and easier-to-know-what-to-do-next interface. More inviting to both new and existing users alike!

We’re excited to have you experience the refreshed user interface, and we’re even more excited to hear what you think about it. See below for a new and easy way to get us your feedback. And know that an important product theme for us in 2021 is to continue to make the product easier and more efficient. The refreshed user interface included in this release is the start of that journey!

Dropship and Purchase to Order Automation Bots

Two new automation bots make their presence known in the February 2021 Release: Dropship and Purchase to Order. Both are targeted at another important product theme for us in 2021: Automation. These two bots help automate manual steps involved in the workflows for dropship and purchase to order sales. Here’s an overview of each:


The Dropship automation bot helps create purchase orders based on new sales orders having dropship products and then dispatch the stock upon the linked purchase order being completed. Key features include:

  • Automatically create purchase orders when creating sales orders for dropship products on sales orders
  • Dispatch stock on sales orders once the created purchase orders are fully received
  • Specify suppliers to whom the automation should apply to prevent the automation from creating purchase orders
  • Automatically send an email to the supplier as soon as the purchase order is created

The following is a screenshot of how the Dropship automation is configured via the Automation Bots Dashboard:

automation bots workflow diagram.png?width=500&height=155.32646048109964&v=0.0
Purchase to Order

The Purchase to Order automation bot helps create purchase orders based on new sales orders having “Purchase to order” products. Key features include:

  • Allows users to create purchase orders for “Purchase to order” products on sales orders
  • Automation sends an email to the supplier as soon as the purchase order is created

With this bot in place, it will remove the current manual process involved in sorting sales orders to identify “Purchase to order” products and automatically notifies suppliers of the orders created.

EDI/3PL Portal Initial Release

Leveraging our EDI and 3PL connectivity continues to be front and center for new and existing customers alike. And recent trends show you want even more connections, not less. As new connection requests continue to grow, it’s imperative we find a way to work more directly with you while at the same time offering a way to more transparently keep you posted on where new connections stand in the process. Say hello to our new EDI/3PL Portal!

The initial release of our EDI/3PL Portal is a centralized self-service module in Cin7 that allows you to directly work with us in setting up a new connection as well as monitor your EDI/3PL connections that are in progress. The EDI/3PL Portal offers the following key features:

  • Visibility of in-progress connection progress
  • Ability to directly submit connection requirement information
  • Quick and easy access to brand new EDI/3PL video resources

The following is a screenshot of the main EDI/3PL Portal page which shows the default “Status” tab information as well as the “Setup”, “Compliance” (March release; see note below), and “Resources” tabs:

copy edi 3pl portal.png?width=500&height=325.72614107883817&v=0.0

Currently, EDI/3PL customers have to contact Cin7 EDI/3PL Support team to get an update on their connection progress. Inefficient, and a source of frustration in today’s information age to say the least. With the Portal in place, customers will be able to answer their own status questions while at the same time actively engage with the Cin7 EDI/3PL Support team in seeing connections across the finish line!

As mentioned above, product efficiency is an important theme for us in 2021. The EDI/3PL Portal is tailor-made to increase efficiency around new connections and execute on that theme. And while the initial functionality included in the February 2021 Release is an important first step, there’s more to come. Targeted for release in March 2021, we’ll be turning on the “Compliance” tab within the Portal that provides additional overview and insight into compliance testing related to new connections and in some cases, allows you to drive the entire compliance process!