Maximizing Efficiency with Cin7 Core and this new free feature: Introducing the ‘Awaiting Approval’ Status Filter!

Unleashing Efficiency with Cin7 Core, The Digital Successor to Dear Systems

Welcome back, enthusiasts of process efficiency and streamlining! Let us dive into the digital ocean of Cin7 Core, the modern evolution of DEAR Systems, and explore a game-changing feature fresh off the development lines. With a striking balance between simplicity and complexity, Cin7 Core is set to redefine business efficiency with its suite of tools. And, the icing on the cake is our focus today – the ‘Awaiting Approval’ status filter.




cin7 core software4business new filtering feature
Cin7 Core awaiting approval


Introducing the ‘Awaiting Approval’ Status Filter – A Revolutionary Feature in Cin7 Core

In this era of relentless innovation, Cin7 Core unveils the ‘Awaiting Approval’ status filter. This newly launched feature is engineered to drastically alter how you oversee your sales and purchases. A feature that was once solely accessible when Core to Core Networking was enabled, is now ready for action irrespective of the status of order or quote approval.

Breathing Life into Sales and Purchase Modules with the ‘Awaiting Approval’ Status Filter

A Paradigm Shift in Sales and Purchase Management

Visualize the convenience of efficiently segregating your sales and purchases based on their ‘Awaiting Approval’ status.
This innovative update isn’t just a feature change; it’s a paradigm shift that guarantees a fluid and hiccup-free workflow, proving to be a boon for all Cin7 users!


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Focussed look at the feature


Simplifying Cin7 Login and Quote Approval with Intuitive Design

Rolling Out the Red Carpet for the ‘Awaiting Approval’ Status Filter

Before you leap to harness the power of this novel feature, some prerequisites require your attention. Start by logging into your Cin7 account. Once inside, enable quote approval by navigating to ‘Settings’, selecting ‘General settings’, then proceeding to ‘Sale process customisation’ or ‘Purchase process customisation’.

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cin7 core-awaiting-approval-step-by-step
Configuring User Access Rights in Cin7 Core

For the ‘Awaiting Approval’ filter to function, it is imperative to set user access rights accordingly. Essentially, the approval setting must be disabled. If this sounds complex, don’t worry! Cin7 Help, available through Cin7 Academy, can guide you through this process, ensuring a smooth transition.

Unleashing the Full Potential of Cin7 API

Harnessing the Power of the ‘Awaiting Approval’ Status Filter

The functionality of this feature is simple yet robust. The ‘Awaiting Approval’ status can be selected from the status filter dropdown menu when examining your sales or purchase list. This addition significantly simplifies the tracking of your orders awaiting approval, thus enhancing your control over the sales and purchase processes.


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Where the filter will be displayed exactly


The Cin7 Omni Experience – An Example Workflow

Utilizing ‘Awaiting Approval’ Status Filter in Real-time

To illustrate the practical application of this feature, consider this workflow scenario: When logged in with a limited user account, the creation of a Quote enables its Authorisation. However, an additional layer of approval is still required. This sales order or quote now becomes visible in the list of items requiring approval, making it easy for managers to swiftly locate and approve or reject orders.

Approve or Reject with Ease Using Cin7 Core

Cin7 Core’s comprehensive design also allows you to approve or reject an order using the mass action menu when listing orders. The API ensures that these processes run seamlessly, adding to the charm of this versatile feature.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Business with Cin7 Core

From Dear Cin7 to Cin7 Core: A Journey Towards Process Excellence

Our journey from Dear Systems to Cin7 Core is laden with innovations like the ‘Awaiting Approval’ status filter, tailored to smoothen your workflow. As we walk into the future together, we’re excited for the limitless possibilities Cin7 Core opens up for your business. Remember, the key to success lies in innovation and productivity.

Software4Business – Your Companion in the Digital Journey

For any assistance in your journey towards process efficiency, don’t hesitate to reach out to Software4Business. And, until our next update, continue to innovate and strive for efficiency.

For similar post related to Odoo, please go to our new Odoo site Prodoo

Dear Inventory – #1 must-have Xero inventory management Add-in


What type of software is Xero?

Looking to find answers about Xero Inventory management?
When it comes to accounting, Xero is exceptional online accounting software. In fact, the Xero mantra is synonymous with Xero and beautiful business. Of course, Xero is extremely powerful in terms of features and logic for calculating the GST, cost of goods sold, tracking categories, purchase order control, sales, and invoices, not to mention the excellent features for bank reconciliation and its many integration options.

xero inventory management

Primarily Accounting Software

But it must be kept in mind that Xero is primarily an accounting software that integrates with other software via API. This allows development teams and organisations around the world to focus on their niche and do it properly without trying to solve all the problems in one solution. Have you ever heard of SAP, or Oracle? Those giants are slow to move and labour intensive to feed every day, but yes they can do quite a lot and can deal with large organisations with complex and/or unique requirements.

Inventory in Xero?

Small business owners far and wide, potentially even you, are or will be trying to use Xero inventory to run your business. Our customers typically contact us to find out how they can use Xero for accounting and inventory tracking purposes, and then once they made a little progress they run into a few roadblocks like e-commerce integration, payment reconciliation, unique pricing, stock code and description management, customer-specific pricing and stock take issues to name but a few.

Growing industry

More and more retailers, wholesaler and distribution companies, especially as they grow, get to grips as to how important stock control and real time tracking is, but often fails to understand where, if at all, their Xero account is capable of handling their various inventory management requirements.

Managers know what they want.

Now, we acknowledge that Xero inventory management is a thing, but it has limited capabilities, especially when comparing Xero inventory management with the likes of Dear Inventory, for example. Xero inventory management, unfortunately, lacks all the OOMPH and more tricky but necessary components business managers want.

Consider stock takes and inventory adjustments for example, or purchase orders with batch numbers or expiry dates. What about multi-location and tracking serial numbers. Not to even mention barcode scanning stock in and out or selling those items via eBay, Amazon or Shopify and let it automatically link to Courier companies when it needs to be delivered. So in short, if you ever even thought about using barcode scanners in your business, then Xero must make room for a specialised add-on module. Oh, and don’t even think about running a warehouse full of stock with just Xero. No.

Not doing stock control is dangerous.

Stock Control is a specialised task, and it should not be limited to rights reserved Xero and beautiful excel files. That is just plain dangerous as many Excel versions will be floating around and it will end up being 20 times more labour intensive than a proper solution, guaranteed. In the realm of specialized cloud-based systems, Xero is an amazing accounting software program, but there is a reason it promotes its accounting functionality. You need something better to manage your stock, and online sales.

Beautiful Dear Inventory

Dear Inventory however and beautiful business are trademarks, not just for Xero anymore, but for almost everyone who uses Dear. People swear by the amazing integration capabilities of Dear Inventory and Xero (or Quickbooks) and how their new business software (aka Dear Inventory) and the way they do business is not limiting anymore. Rather Dear Inventory allows and promotes small businesses to grow exponentially in sales and revenue into large corporations and even then, can still cater for complex scenarios. We have clients with annual revenue of over 100 million dollars running on Dear Inventory.

Why you should not really bother with inventory in Xero?

So even though Xero is great for real time accounting software with simple steps to generate invoices, for example, it really offers little when it comes to inventory management. Software4Business recommend that you start using Dear Systems as your business operating software as it fully integrates back into Xero anyway. This will give you the best of both worlds. Best in accounting and best in stock control. Give us a call, we work with Dear Inventory all day, every day and have converted and implemented Dear projects for many businesses in Australia.

SSALES 10.S4B XeroHero Dear Systems Inventory Manage customers smoothly 1
Manage Customers

More links

11 Little Known Dear Inventory Features you would love

Dear Systems: Amazing Business Software

Dear Systems Xero – Easy Integration

Dear Systems Training: Easily integrate Shopify or WooCommerce with Dear Systems

Shopify WooCommerce Banner Dear Systems Training

Dear Systems Training #1

Shopify WooCommerce Banner Dear Systems Training

How to setup product feeds between Shopify or WooCommerce and Dear Systems

  1. Setting to update Category / Brand <-> Dear / WooCommerce
  2. Setting to change QTY globally or individually
  3. Never change too much in WooCommerce (Dear will handle that)
  4. Descriptions can be pulled from WooCommerce and update Dear
  5. Leave the pretty interface changes and images for the web-developer
  6. Dear’s Product Descriptions and SKUs can be changed but needs to be manually synced to WooCommerce.
    1. Via the item self
    2. Via the integration interface
    3. Qty and Price changes happens automatically
    4. Push Qty and Price changes to WooCommerce

The benefits of integrating Dear Systems with WooCommerce and/or Shopify

  1. Stock levels are automatically updated from DEAR systems to WooCommerce and/or Shopify
  2. DEAR inventory then allows online orders to be Picked, Packed, Shipped and Fulfilled
  3. Order information can be synced with your shipment applications to create manifest
  4. Dear inventory then sync inventory costs and movements to Xero or Quickbooks
  5. This means one integrated/centralised inventory management to manage all channels of sales
A list of the types of data that are exchanged between Dear Systems and Shopify and/or WooCommerce
  1. Downwards -> Orders and additional charges
  2. Both ways of making payments (setting)
  3. Both ways of new products (setting)
  4. Upwards -> DEAR to WooCommerce/Shopify stock quantities
  5. Downwards -> Customers
An example of what happens when you integrate
  1. The existing products can be downloaded from WooCommerce or Shopify, or listed/uploaded from DEAR
  2. Each sale from WooCommerce/Shopify will first go into Pending Sales, where stocks will be allocated
  3. Consolidation of online sales for the day can be enabled (settings)
  4. Changes to stock levels are pushed from DEAR SYSTEMS back to WooCommerce / Shopify
It is important to take note of what does not integrate
  1. Stock quantities are not imported automatically from WooCommerce to DEAR and need to be set in DEAR.
  2. It is recommended to ensure the quantities are the same on both platforms before you start.
Other useful links to CIN7 and DEAR systems training you might like:

Dear Systems Academy

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